Event Organizer Code of Conduct


QuikTix is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and professional environment for all users. This Event Organizer Code of Conduct outlines the expectations and responsibilities of Event Organizers using the QuikTix platform.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Event Organizers must comply with all applicable local, provincial, and national laws and regulations when hosting events.

Licensing and Permits

Event Organizers are responsible for obtaining all necessary licenses and permits required to host their events.

Respect and Inclusion


Events must be free from discrimination based on race, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or any other protected characteristic.

Harassment-Free Environment

Event Organizers must ensure that their events are free from harassment and maintain a respectful environment for all attendees.

Event Integrity

Accurate Representation

Event Organizers must provide accurate and truthful information about their events, including event details, pricing, and scheduling.

Honest Promotion

Event promotion must be conducted ethically and honestly, without misleading or deceptive practices.

Safety and Security

Attendee Safety

Event Organizers are responsible for ensuring the safety and security of all attendees. This includes having appropriate security measures and emergency procedures in place.

Compliance with Venue Rules

Event Organizers must adhere to all rules and regulations of the event venue, including capacity limits and safety protocols.

Financial Responsibility

Transparent Fees

All fees, including ticket prices and any additional charges, must be clearly communicated to attendees.

Refund Policies

Event Organizers must establish and communicate clear refund policies and adhere to them consistently.

Intellectual Property

Respect for IP

Event Organizers must respect intellectual property rights and ensure that all content used in their events is properly licensed or owned.

Partnership Conduct

Professional Behavior

Event Organizers must conduct themselves professionally when interacting with attendees, venue staff, and QuikTix representatives.

Conflict of Interest

Event Organizers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could affect their event or their relationship with QuikTix.

Violations and Enforcement

Reporting Violations

Any violations of this Code of Conduct should be reported to QuikTix immediately.


QuikTix reserves the right to take appropriate action, including suspension or termination of the Event Organizer&#39s account, in response to violations of this Code of Conduct.

Changes to This Code

QuikTix may update this Event Organizer Code of Conduct from time to time. While we may notify users of significant changes, it is the responsibility of Event Organizers to regularly review this Code for any updates. Your continued use of the QuikTix platform following any changes indicates your acceptance of the revised Code of Conduct.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about these Terms, you can contact us at: support@quiktix.ca